Wells Fargo Text Scam


Worried about Wells Fargo text scam messages and wondering how to differentiate them from the authentic ones. In this article, don’t worry; we will provide you complete information regarding the existing issue and how to overcome this threat.

Many users across the United States have fallen victim to phishing emails and messages from fraudsters claiming to be from some big brand or government agency. These messages need to be reported if you come across them for spreading awareness among those susceptible to these threats.

What is Wells Fargo?

Wells Fargo is an American-based multinational financial services company founded by Henry Wells and William Fargo about 92 years ago.


Keep reading to gain more information about Wells Fargo and Company.

  • They were founded in 1929 in Minneapolis, U.S.
  • They now have a corporate headquarter in San Francisco, California, and an operational headquarters in Manhattan, United States.
  • It is a public company that offers financial services.
  • They have about 7200 branches and 13,000 ATMs across the United States.
  • They provide their services worldwide.
  • Their website address is wellsfargo.com.

What are Wells Fargo text scam messages received by the users?

Several users based in the United States have mentioned that they received text messages stating that they have a pending transaction amount or some suspicious activity has been noticed in their Wells Fargo account. 

The users are then asked to click on the attached link immediately to resolve the pertaining issues they need to provide their personal information. That is how they get exposed to scammers and fraudulent activities.


 Once the users click on the link, they are redirected to a fake wells Fargo page, wherein they are asked for their banking details. Always compare the web address mentioned to the authentic web details provided by the bank.

Numerous Social media platforms and activists are supervising people on how to identify a fraudulent email from others. They have suggested that these mails usually refer to people as sir/madam, whereas the authentic emails mention the customer’s full name. 

The bank would never ask for the customer’s details nor share the customer data with third parties. Always check all the texts if suspicious directly with the bank and check for more details regarding the web address on their website.


If any such scam or message comes to your notice, it is recommended to report the scam to track the deceitful people and criminals. Even though pursuing a scam message is much more challenging than an email, stringent operations are being practiced against these enterprises.

Are Fargo wells legitimate?

They have been in existence for 92 years now and have over 7200 branches where they offer their services to millions of users around the globe. This makes us believe utterly in their legitimacy and the claims they make. 

They have created a very strong and reliable brand in the United States. Even though the Wells Fargo text scam has received a very mixed response on online platforms, it does not weaken its authenticity. We still recommend reading their terms and conditions before associating with them.

What are Wells Fargo user reviews?


Wells Fargo has been established for quite some time now and has a strong user base. They offer their services worldwide, and the online platforms are filled with mixed reviews about their services. Some customers have labeled them as reliable and trustworthy, whereas some state otherwise. 

One of the customers complained about their customers and stated zero transparency in their dealings and claims. The customers were disgruntled with the WellsFargo text scam and rated them very poorly. These negative reviews are very detrimental to their brand value.


Even though there is no doubt over their legitimacy, we stumbled on multiple negative reviews online. They are a huge brand with many branches across the United States. We suggest a thorough background check at your end on the services they provide and read all the terms, conditions, and policies before any further association. 

Also, read the various reviews available on open sources to get a better insight. Please keep sharing your views with us; we love hearing from our readers. 

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