Apex Focus Group Legit


Is Apex’s focus group legit? Read the article in detail to know the answer to this question.

If you like to earn extra money, in your leisure time then paid surveys, market research would be the better option for you. If you are looking for such type of option then today we will introduce you to a company based in the United States that fulfils your expectations.

What is Apex Focus Group?

It is a company that provides you offer paid focus opportunities and money-making ventures which include clinical tests, research studies across the world.

The company was two years and 6 months old i.e registered on 24.03.2019.  For 1-hour sessions you can earn $35 to $75 and for multiple sessions, you can earn $250 to $500 across the world including the United States.


 Apex group payments are different. Some focus groups pay in cash whereas others pay through PayPal or by a gift card.

Requirement for Apex:

It is quite simple and easy to start with Apex Group. For sign-up, you don’t have to pay any fees. Just should have the necessary things kept with you:

  • Good internet connection,
  • Computer or laptop with web camera,
  • The person who can work independently,
  • A person should have the understanding to read, write and who can follow the proper instructions.

How you can apply for a job?

If you have all the things which we have mentioned above then just visit the website and sign up for the account and join the group immediately.

  • When you click on the join group option then it will open a new page for you then click on Apply now option.
  • It will ask you to enter your details like name, address, email address and zip code, educational level, how many kids you have.

How you can earn money from this website?

When you have created your account and sign up with your account next process is to know how you can earn from this company.

  • Earn by clinical trials: By clinical trials also you can earn the money on the website.
  • Earn by surveys: This is one of the easiest ways to earn money. To earn money from paid surveys you have to give suggestions on brands, products, and services.
  • Earn by focus group: You can participate in the groups and can earn money online. You have to give your opinion on various topics like child-related, entertainment, electronics, sports, automobiles and many more.

Keep continuing to read the article to know is apex focus group legit?


  • Website URL: apexfocusgroup(dot)com
  • Email address: info(at)apexfocusgroup(dot)com
  • Physical Address: U.S Office: 2160 Kingston Court SE Ste E, Marietta, GA 3006
  • Other Office address: 316C Punggol Way, Singapore 823316
  • Product category: Offers you earning online  


  • work from home opportunity,
  • good payment option,
  • Plenty of surveys to participate in and an extra income.
  • Free of cost service.


  • The customer service is poor.

Is apex focus group legit or scam?


The Legitimacy of a website depends on several factors like social media presence, trust factor, customer reviews, and many more things. 

No need to worry we have done deep research on various platforms and we have found that the company is not legit due to the following reasons:

  • The company is inactive on social media accounts.
  • In our research we have found yet the company is old but the users don’t find it useful for making the money online.
  • Trust score is bad which is1%    

Users reviews:

Users’ reviews play an important role in judging the credibility of the website. We have checked the user’s reviews on the internet and we have found that customers are not happy with this company.

John said “It is a scam company as I had worked all the day but received nothing except points” They advertise that they pay cash for surveys but in return they misrepresent you”


Crane said “We have to apply for 7-8 studies before being selected for the one which is wastage of time”

Moreover rating by the customers is 2.9 which is considered to be an average rating.


SSL EncryptionYes
Customer reviewsYes
Social media presenceNo
Trust score1%

Hope you will get the answer to your question is the Apex focus group legit? At last, we can indeed that you should not go with this company. It attracts you with various research surveys but fills your email with spam. They meant to steal your information. So be careful and safe.

What was your experience with this company? Please share with us in the comment section.

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